What's New?

Square Tactics v4 - Print and Play
I updated version 4 of Square Tactics with new Action cards and home printer friendly designs (white backgrounds to use less ink). Print and play versions of all character cards, the rulebook, and playmats are available here: Square Tactics

Star Wars CCG - Rogue One
I created a custom Star Wars CCG set based on the Rogue One movie - explicitly designed to facilitate draft and sealed events. Full set list and more info here: SWCCG - Rogue One

Star Wars CCG at GenCon 2024
I hosted two SWCCG events at GenCon. Clarification on the formats can be found here: SWCCG at GenCon2024

Bring Us the Stars - Smoke and Mirrors
Tracked guitars, bass, strings, synths, drums, and recorded and produced Bring Us the Stars' new EP - Smoke and Mirrors. Listen for free here

The Twilight - Superficial
Recorded guitar for The Twilight's song 'Superficial' on their 'Broken Angel' AP. Listen for free on The Twilight's Soundcloud

Bring Us the Stars - Are We Falling?
Recorded and produced Bring Us the Stars' EP 'Are We Falling?' Also created lyric videos for each song. Listen and watch here on YouTube!

Greetings from the Imposter - Live!
Played live performance sessions with Greetings from the Imposter at The Local / Club Anything and Club Garibaldi. Watch videos on my music page

Mercury Crossing - The Takeover
Tracked drums for Mercury Crossing's album 'The Takeover'. Download the full album for FREE on Bandcamp

I am currently continuing to expand my professional knowledge and experience as a leader for people, products, and process as the scrum master for scrum.org.
I am passionate about collaborating with others to create new original music.
I enjoy playing games with friends, and have created several of my own tabletop games.